About Data Set ID 21

Date of measurement: Aug. 26, 2021

Source: Efficient Formation of Size-Selected Clusters upon Pickup of Dopants into Multiply Charged Helium Droplets 2022

Download mass spectral data as
    "time": "2021-08-26T13:23:47Z",
    "operator": 7,
    "short_description": "ADAM METH PRECID cations",
    "integration_start": 368,
    "integration_stop": 471,
    "data_file": "toffy/dataFiles/2021_08_26_ADAM_METH_a.txt",
    "comment": "ADAM in external oven NO HEATING\r\nMethanol in Quad Gas Inlet external reservoir OPEN\r\n\r\nQuadPressure 2,8E-06\r\nPickUp Pressure: 6,5E-05",
    "he_pressure": 25.0,
    "nozzle_temperature": 9.3,
    "quad_pressure": 1e-06,
    "ion_block_potential": 242.0,
    "ion_source_deflector_vertical": -2.0,
    "ion_source_deflector_horizontal": 5.0,
    "electron_energy": 70.9,
    "electron_current": 180.0,
    "bender_float_voltage": -70.0,
    "bender_deflect_voltage": -130.0,
    "deflector_float_z": 12.0,
    "deflector_u_z": 0.0,
    "deflector_float_y": 10.0,
    "deflector_u_y": -9.0,
    "deflector_front_aperture": 100.0,
    "pickup_pressure": 1e-05,
    "pickup_bronk": 99.0,
    "evaporation_gas": "Helium",
    "evaporation_pressure": 0.000476,
    "evap_bronk": 99.0,
    "collision_gas": "Argon",
    "collision_energy": 5.0,
    "coll_bronk": 99.0