Comparing C6H5- from 3-Nitrotoluene (C7H7NO2) with 3-[[4-(2-methylpropoxy)benzoyl]amino]propanoate (C14H18NO4)- from Musk ketone (C14H18N2O5)

Data for C6H5-/3-Nitrotoluene (C7H7NO2) was taken on VG on Sept. 1, 2007 with energy resolution: 0.080 eV
Data for 3-[[4-(2-methylpropoxy)benzoyl]amino]propanoate (C14H18NO4)-/Musk ketone (C14H18N2O5) was taken on Unknown on Nov. 1, 2008 with energy resolution: 1.000 eV
Electron Energy (eV)
ES for C6H5- from 3-Nitrotoluene (C7H7NO2) was published in:  
Title: Identification of Isomers of Nitrotoluene via Free Electron Attachment
Authors: Denifl, Stephan; Matejcik, Stefan; Probst, Michael; Scheier, Paul; Märk, Tilmann; Ptasinska, Sylwia; Mauracher, Andreas; Sulzer, Philipp; Bacher, Arntraud; Zappa, Fabio; Beikircher, Manuel; Wendt, Nina; Aleem, Abid; Rondino, F
Year: 2007
Journal: Analytical Chemistry
Volume: 79
Number: 17
Pages: 6585 - 6591
DOI: 10.1021/ac070656b
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ES for 3-[[4-(2-methylpropoxy)benzoyl]amino]propanoate (C14H18NO4)- from Musk ketone (C14H18N2O5) was published in:  
Title: Electron attachment studies to musk ketone and high mass resolution anionic isobaric fragment detection
Authors: da Silva, Filipe; Denifl, Stephan; Probst, Michael; Scheier, Paul; Märk, Tilmann; Mauracher, Andreas; Alizadeh, Elahe; Limão-Vieira, Paulo; Sulzer, Philipp
Year: 2008
Journal: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Volume: 277
Number: 1-3
Pages: 123 - 129
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2008.06.006
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